Academic Programs

Road Map

Overview Road Map Course Outline

1st Year
(First Semester)(Second Semester)
CodeCourse TitleCr.H (Th+Pr)CodeCourse TitleCr.H (Th+Pr)
CRP-101 Introduction to City and Regional Planning 2+1 CRP-136 History of Cities and Urban Planning 3+0
CRP-132 Technical Drawing 1+1 CRP-137 Transportation Engineering 2+1
CRP-133 Mapping and remote Sensing 2+1 CE-101 Surveying 1+2
CRP-130 Sociology 2+0 CRP-138 Introduction to GIS 2+1
CRP-103 Computer Aided Design and Modeling 0+2 CRP-206 Development Economics 2+0
CRP-135 Applied Mathematics 2+0 HM-150 Islamic Studies 2+0
EN-110 English-I (Functional English) 3+0 EN-112 English-II (Communication Skills) 2+0
Total 17 Total 18
(Third Semester)(Fourth Semester)
CodeCourse TitleCr.H (Th+Pr)CodeCourse TitleCr.H (Th+Pr)
CRP-235 Transportation Planning 2+1 CRP-240 Housing 2+1
CRP-237 Applied Statistics 3+0 CRP-241 Planning Surveys and Data Analysis 1+2
CRP-238 Planning Theory 2+0 CRP-242 Environmental Planning and Management 2+1
CRP-230 Architectural Design 1+2 CRP-243 Information Technology and Database Management 1+2
CRP-236 Applied Geography 2+1 CRP-222 Climate Change & Disaster Management 2+1
EN-201 English-III (Communication Skills and Report Writing) 1+2 SS-171 Pakistan Studies 2+0
Total 17 Total 17
(Fifth Semester)(Sixth Semester)
CodeCourse TitleCr.H (Th+Pr)CodeCourse TitleCr.H (Th+Pr)
CRP-329 Site Planning and Landscape Design 2+1 CRP-330 Urban Design 2+1
CRP-325 Urban Regeneration and Conservation 2+1 CRP-332 Planning of New Town 1+2
CRP-327 Infrastructure Planning and Management 1+1 CRP-333 Rural Planning 2+1
CRP-328 GIS Analysis and Application in Planning 1+2 CRP-334 Public Participation and Community Development 1+1
CRP-326 Planning Legislation 2+0 CRP-314 Building Construction Technology 2+1
CRP-301 Environmental Engineering 2+1 CRP-335 Professional Planning Practice 1+1
SD-100 English Immersion-I 0+0 SD-101 21st Century Skills 0+0
Total 16 Total 16
4th Year
(Seventh Semester)(Eighth Semester)
CodeCourse TitleCr.H (Th+Pr)CodeCourse TitleCr.H (Th+Pr)
CRP-434 Spatial Development Planning-I 2+2 CRP-440 Spatial Development Planning-II 2+2
CRP-413 Land Use and Building Control 2+1 CRP-441 Regional Planning 2+1
CRP-433 Project Planning and Management 2+1 CRP-442 Estate Management 1+1
CRP-436 Research Methods 2+1 CRP-443 Entrepreneurship 2+0
CRP-437 Disability and Development 1+1 CRP-444 Project (part-II) 0+6
CRP-420 Project (part-I) 0+0
Total 15 Total 17 17

Total= 133 Credit Hours

List of Elective Courses

CRP-435 Elective-I

(One of the following as offered by the Department)

  1. Legal and Regulatory Aspects in Planning
  2. Urban Finance Management
  3. Housing Policy and Practice
  4. Public Transport Planning
  5. Community Organization and Development
  6. Contemporary Issue in Planning
  7. Street Addressing and Urban Landscape

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