Participation of CRP Participant Muhammad Junaid in International Circular Cities Course at University of Amsterdam Netherland
Participation of Ms Aqsa Qalb CRP Faculty in International Workshop on CODATA RDA Advanced Research Data Science
International Symposium on Architecture and Planning
Bs in Interior Architecture
Master of Architecture
PhD in Architecture
BS in Design
B Architecture
BS in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
BS City and Regional Planning
Welcome to the School of Architecture and Planning (SAP), located in the culturally vibrant city of Lahore. Lahore is a city sought after by artists for its captivating lights, sculpted by indigenous builders using its rich adobe, and celebrated by writers in their poetry. It is a land where diverse cultures converge and intermingle, sparking radical design innovation rooted in exploration and experimentation.
Our faculty leverage and lead through cutting-edge technology and advanced teaching methods to explore and push the boundaries of pedagogy. Their dedication, devotion, and talent have earned them numerous accolades in design competitions, planning and community engagement projects, as well as academic and research endeavors through publications.
At SAP, we offer a robust suite of programs, including undergraduate degree programs such as Bachelor's in Architecture, Bachelor of Science in City & Regional Planning, Bachelor of Science in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System. We also offer two graduate degrees, namely Masters in Architecture and PhD in Architecture. All of our programs are fully accredited by the Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners (PCATP) and meet the quality standards set by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan. Additionally, we are pleased to announce the launch of new programs soon in Interior Architecture and Design, with specializations in Urban Design, Landscape, and Building Construction.
Time Table
Ext: 3520
Office Address: Office No:4, Hall-C, Level-05, Library Building
International Conference on Inclusive Futures: Driving Change for Resilient Habitates
MoU Signing Ceremony betweem School of Architecture and Planning and The OHIO State University, Columbus, USA
Jury - Architectural Design Studio-V
Entrepreneurship Project Display by Graduating Batch of BS CRP
Visual Communication-III - Final Jury
Guest Lecture by Mr Hamd Ul Riaz on the Topic "Building Construction and Technology"
Dean's Merit Award Ceremony organized by the SAP for the Semester Fall 2023 and Spring 2024
Guest Lecture - Development and Planning of Hospital Design
Workshop on “Master Planning”
Training on Project Schedule Development and Monitoring Project Progress
Fun-Filled Day
PCATP Meeting
Guest Lecture by Dr. Zoobia Wazir Chaudhary, Assistant Professor of Medicine on the Topic: The reality of Wheight Loss, Struggle and How to Overcome Them"
Guest Lecture By Ms. Quratulain Babar, Head, OCLP, UMT on Entrepreneuship
International Symposium on "Heritage and Identity: Intersections and Interrogations"
M.Arch Viva Voce
Course Review Meeting - DoA
Thesis Jury - BLA Program
Signing of MoU between Department of City and Regional Planning and Everon Consultants Pvt. Ltd
Thesis-II Jury final Term - B.Arch Program
PCATP Revalidation to Accreditation Visit of BS City and Regional Planning Program
Model Exhibition - Anthropology
Final Term Jury of Graduating Batch of BS CRP by External Jurors
Guest Lecture by Mr. Ali Raza, University of Houston, USA and Ms. Mehwis Jabin, Research Scolar, University of Florida, USA on the topic "Opportunities for Graduate Studies in USA"
Guest Lecture - Building Information Modeling Skills for Project Managers
Workshop - Urban Regeneration
Guest Lecture: Green Roofs: The Role of Green Roofs in Sustainable Construction Practices
Guest Leture by Dr. Hammad Gillani, Researcher for Remote Sensing and GIS, IWMI on the topic"Quantitative Assesment of Desertification through Geospatial Technologies"
Guest Lecture by Mr. Haroon Gulzar, Senior Urban Planner,PMU on the topic "Land Use Planning"
Guest Lecture - Concrete Continuum: Traditional Testing and Sustainable Construction Practices
Guest Lecture - Climate change and Built Environment
Viva Voce Examination - M.Arch
Guest Lecture on Sustainable Housing
Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Amir Aziz, Professor, UET, Lhr on the topic "Transportation Planning"
Celebration Ceremony of PCATP Accreditation
Conference on GHAR: Green, Affordable, Resilient, Challenges and Opportunities"
Workshop on "Mapping the Future: A Global Prospective on World GIS Day"
Guest Lecture by Eng. M. Usman Saleem, GM Business Development, Sheikhoo Steel on the topic "Construction Materials"
Workshop By Artist Assam Altaf on the topic "Architectural Photography"
Guest Lecture by Dr. Ayesha Batool, Senior Architect, Sustainability Advisor, on the topic"High Performance Buildings"
Workshop - Digital Tool Application for Cultural Heritage Sites
International Conference on Digital Tool Application on Cultural Sites Sustainability
Guest Lecture - Hospital Design
Guest Lecture by Mr. Muhammad Salman Munir on the topic "Hostel Design"
F23. Brainstorming Session for B.Architecture Thesis Design-I - A Panel Discussion with Leading Architects
Celebratory Event - JAABE recognized as a Y-category journal by HEC
Display of Master Plan Project and Jury of Graduating Batch by External Jurors
Thesis-II Jury of B.Arch Program
Jury of BLA Program - Thesis
Jury of B.Arch Program - Architecture Design Studio-VI
Workshop on Open Street Mapping by International Instructor Mr. Ponciano Da Costa, Member (Open Mapping Hub)
Guest Lecture: Art of Calligraphy
Guest Lecture by Mr. Usman Tahir, Deputy Director, Metropolitan Planning, LDA on the topic "Spatial Development Planning"
Guest Lecture - British Period Architecture
Guest Lecture by Najam ul Saqib
Workshop on Intelligent Use of Information Resources
Workshop - Problem Identification and Design Thinking
Task Force
MoU Between SAP and Directorate of Archaeology and Museums Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Celebrating the Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilization
Guest Lecture in Architectural Design Studio - VI
An Interactive Session of Professional Planners with Young Planners on the recent issues of Planning
Fall 2022 - Final Jury of Thesis-I
Fall 2022 - Design-III Jury of B.Arch Program
Certificate Distribution Ceremony - Annual Function 2022
Graduate Seminar: Progress Review and Proposal Presentation 16 January 2023
Guest Lecture - Rendering in Plan
Jury of B.Arch Program - Architecture Design Studio-VII
Guest Lecture - Designing of HVAC & Fire Fighting systems
Board of Faculty Meeting of School of Architecture and Planning
Board of Studies Meeting of Department of City and Regional Planning, SAP with External Members
Appreciation Ceremony: PhD Ranked 1st & M.Arch Ranked 3rd among all PhD and Master Programs at UMT in Year 2022
Exhibition - Rendering topic with Different Materials
Guest Lecture: Construction Management
Guest Lecture - Research Methodology
Annual Function 2022 - Department of Architecture, SAP
Workshop on Spatial Relationships
Guest Lecture - Color Wheel
Celebrate the anniversary of "UMT Urban Planning Club"
Celebration on Completion of One Decade - Department of Architecture, SAP, UMT
Appreciation Ceremony - IPAX Event
Mid-Term Thesis Jury of B.Arch Program (4th Year)
Guest Lecture on Natural resource management
2nd Brainstorming Session of B. Arch Thesis with Architects
Study Tour of the Department of Architecture, UET-Peshawar (Abbottabad Campus) in collaboration with the Department of Architecture, UMT-Lahore.
A session with Diamond Jambolon
Guest Lecture - Contemporary Islamic Learning Center
Women in Architecture- Learning Career Paths
PhD Dissertation Defense - Ayesha Mehmood Malik
Brainstorming Session for B.Architecture Thesis Design 2022 - A Panel Discussion with Leading Architects
Open House for Fall 2022 Admissions
Seminar on Road Safety and Traffic Rules Awareness
Open House and Thesis Jury of Graduating Batch of CRP by External Jurors under Observation of PCATP Observer
A Guest Lecture By Mr. Muhammad Arslan on the topic "Teaching Techniques of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad PBUH" for the Faculty of SAP
Open House Thesis-II Jury
Urban Emporium Launching Ceremony of Startups
Architecture Design Studio-II Jury of B.Arch Program
Nippon Paint AYDA Road Show
Guest Lecture by Plnr. Aslam Mughal. Ex CEO, IPP
10th Graduate Seminar
Workshop: Improving Sense of Community in Housing and Mixed-use Developments Through Critically Designing Open Spaces
Guest Lecture: Social Sustainability
22nd Board of Faculty Meeting of SAP
Dean's Merit Award Ceremony for the semester Fall 2020 & Spring 2021
Guest Lecture by Mr. Nadeem Khursheed on the topic "Professional Planning Practice"
A guest lecture by Dr. Afia Raja on the topic "Basic Tools to be Equipped With during Planning Studies"
A Guest Lecture by Mr. Shehroz javaid on the topic "Private Housing Scheme, Planning and Development"
Guest Lecture by Muhammad Shafaat Nawaz, Fulbright PhD Scholar on the Topic "Analysis of Urban Planning in Pakistan and United States of America"
Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing - Mid City Housing
Guest Lecture
A guest Lecture by Mr. Ghulam Mustafa, Land Record officer, LDA on the Topic "Land Record Management"
BIM and Daylighting Analysis
2nd Workshop on Top Roof Organic Gardening
Thesis Jury of B.Arch Program
Graduate Seminar - 2022
PCATP Revalidation to Accreditation Visit for the Program BS CRP
Guest Lecture “Architect’s sketchbook - the creative process”
Launching of Urban Planning Club at Department of City and Regional Planning
Dean's Merit Award Ceremony of School of Architecture and Planning
Meeting of Dean, SAP with Mr. Arif Changezi, Chairman, PCATP
Brainstorming Session of B. Arch Thesis with Architects
PCATP Re-Validation to Accreditation Visit
Thesis and Spatial Planning Development Project Display of Graduating Batch of BS CRP
Project Display, Entrepreneurship Startup
8Th Graduate Seminar
International Consultants- Dar ul Hindsa visited CRP Department for Stakeholder Consultation on Master plan for Lahore.
Research Colloquium
Jury of Graduating Batch by External Jurors
Guest Lecture by Dr. Imran Lodhi, Director Solid Waste Management, DG Khan, HOD, Department of Economics, DG Khan University
Guest Lecture by LDA Officials on the topic "Land Surveying and Land Management"
Professional Practice
Understanding the Current World
Session on LDA New Bylaws in collaboration with PIDE at CM Secretariat
Guest Lecture by Mr. Wamiq Naseer, Field Expert,Senior Town on the topic "Estate Management"Planner
Guest Lecture by Mr. Ali Aziz, Town Planner, Master Consultating Engineers, Pvt Limited on the topic "Working Drawings and Bill of Quantities"
Organic Gardening
Interior Lighting
Guest Lecture on School Design
Lahore Museum Challenges in Design
Urban Regeneration Concepts and Theories
Plantation Drive
Graduate Student Research Seminar
Thesis design Jury Architecture department
Research Colloquium by Plnr. Maria
2nd Graduate Symposium of School of Architecture and Planning
Final Architecture Design Juries batch 7 & 6
OPTIVENT Natural Ventilation Analysis Software
Dean's Merit Award Ceremony
Guest Lecture by Mr. Aqeel Suleman,Emergency Officer in Punjab Emergency Office Rescue 1122
Seminar by Mr. Hasan Shahnawaz Zaidi, a renowned artist and designer of Pakistan
Research Colloquium by Ar Kamil Khan Mumtaz
workshop on Urban Planning by Kamil Khan Mumtaz
World Town Planning Day
Technical Session on Sikh Heritage
Lecture on Hospital Design
Study Tour & Lecture by Ar. Umar Saeed Akhtar Chairman Lahore Chapter at Institute of Architects, Pakistan - IAP
Research Colloquium by Mr Rafay Alam
Presentations and Role Plays on human Geography under the Course " Applied Geography"
Guest Lecture for the subject “Research Methodology”
School of Architecture and Planning Orientation 2019
Two Days Workshop on Managing Cities with Geospatial Technologies
17th Board of Faculty Meeting - SAP
Board of Studies Meeting with External Members organized by Department of City and Regional Planning
MoU Signing Ceremoney Between Graana.Com and DCRP, SAP, UMT
Open House and Project Display
MoU Signing Ceremoney between Department of City and Regional Planning, SAP and Pomeroy Academy, Singapore
Seminar by Delegate of Pomerory Academy, Singapore
Meeting of Federal Ministers, Prime Minister Housing Task Force on Affordable Housing
Chayee Talk with CEO, ExxAura on Executive Presence of Feminine Grace in Professional Environment
Test and Interview for Internship conducted by Garaana.Com with Collaboration of Department of City and Regional Planning, UMTUMT
Department of Architecture Photography Session following Black Color as Theme
Research Colloquium by Director Mehmood Gardezi - JYA Consulting and Ms Sara Syed, SR Consultant, on topic"Harassment at Work Place"
Workshop on 3D software: Chief Architect and Floral Design Studio
Workshop on LUMION
National Poster and Model Making Competition on Ultra Low Cost Housing 2019
Annual Function 2019
Celebrating International Women's Day at School of Architecture and Planning
Lecture by Mr. Salman Raza, Deputy Director, Ministry of Comerce on Topic"Urban Strawl in Lahore"
CoD, Ar Faiqa Khilat meeting with Faculty, New Semester Planning
Lecture by Mr. Zaigham M. Rizvi, Chairman, PM Taskforce on the topic "Prime Minister 5 Million Housing Initiative"
MOA Signing Ceremony between Naya Pakistan housing Program and UMT - SAP
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